Tuesday, September 08, 2015


What time is it, Mister Wolf?

Fucked if I know, I've been hard up against it.

Godsdamn, but it's been a long time since I've had a chance to just sit around and blog at y'all. many reasons, but suffice to say, much of it has been down to general suckage, work-based suckage, business, distraction, and the feeling that I've got rather more urgent and important things to be doing.

The main thing of interest to this blog, however, is that Luscious and I have started hanging out with a group of Perth writers calling themselves Perth Write Club. They meet every fortnight at the State Library and Edith Cowan University, on a turn-by-turn basis, and well, they write. Hard. For an afternoon, with a bit of lunch beforehand and a chinwag after.

It's fab, and the kind of writing group I've been missing for quite some time-- every group I've been a part of over the last five years has eventually ended up with me acting as some kind of defacto free workshop leader, and there's only so much of that I can take before I want to hang out with some actual peers, please. Lyn and I attend the State Library meetings, and it's proving highly beneficial to my writing. In two meetings I've managed to complete a 4000-word synopsis for the kids novel Cirque and write a 3000-word short story entitled General Janvier. I'll be keeping this up!

In publication news, Magrit continues to lurk about the corridors of Walker Books. They appear to have some big plans for it-- I can't reveal what, unfortunately, but it might be a little more illustrated, and a little more hard-backy that first thought...... March next year is looking like the launch date, by which time it'll be older than the audience it was written for.

And I've been podded over at Far Fetched Fables: if you've not read my 2008 story In From the Snow, here's a chance to snuggle up in bed, cuddle your favourite teddy bear, and have it read to you. Sleep tight,

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