Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Australia Council Grant application: done.
Residency application: done.
Mentoring: Pretty much up to date- one more story to offer comments and a couple of emails to answer

Currently: hard at work banging away at my application for the Screenwest TV Writer's Award. At the very least, it has enabled me to fulfill one of my silliest ambitions-- titling an entire series of television episodes after Kinks songs.

Still to come: submissions for Hauntings, Interstitial, New Ceres, and the Realms of Fantasy Halloween 2009 issue, as well as my contribution to the Remix My Lit project, and a story to complete my half of a bargain with that creature of strangeness, Jason Fischer? What bargain, you ask? To submit to each other, by the 30th of June, a story entitled Rodeo of the Flesh. Sigh. I pick 'em..... And, of course, the novels.

It's all go.

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