Sunday, January 02, 2005


Recent arrivals to Triffbatt House: the latest copies of Aurealis and Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, both containing work by your humble correspondent. ASIM #16 contains both a story, my anti-fantasy Through The Window Merrilee Dances, and a poem, Eight For Working, while the massive last-issue-by-the-fabbo-Keith-Stevenson biffo Triple issue Aurealis #33/34/35 contains the second Father Muerte story, Father Muerte & The Rain, which scored the cover! My first cover: small woohoo and waving of flag. Go to the websites, buy the issues, make us all rich.

And keep an eye out for ASIM #17, which will contain Luscious' story The Memory of Breathing. If you've not read Lyn's work before (Check out ASIM #7, or the Antipodean SF archives), you're in for a treat, and if you have, well you haven't read anything from her like this. It's going to hurt your brain, I tells 'ee!


Sold my first story of the year this morning. Gunslinger will be appearing in the Prime Books anthology The Devil in Brisbane, which should be appearing in September. I'll let you know...


Many thanks and peck on the cheeks to Kirsty Brooks at Driftwood Manuscripts, who sent us a lovely card and bath book to commemorate Connor's birth. I'm still struggling with some of the bigger words, but the pictures are great!

A big wet smooch and awwww to the crew at ASIM, also, who have presented Luscious and I with a beautiful card and ultra-fab stuffed dragon , as well as printing a congratulatory message in the latest issue of the mag. It's a really lovely thought, guys. We're touched.

I might even let Connor play with the dragon one day. If I get bored with it... you know... maybe...


Day 2! Another rather difficult one, what with Connor still unsettled, and much stuff having to be done. Still, I managed to press arse against seat and bash out a few words while Lyn took Erin and Connor for a play down the park this afternoon. Sigh. It's not exactly KSP residency speed though, is it? Ah well, Erin's back at daycare during the week and we can take half days about with the baby to let the other write. (Luscious is currently behind me on the laptop, pecking away while the toothpicks bite deeper and deeper into her eyelids)

Words For The Day: 651
Words on Nouvelle Hollande: 651
Year Total: 1263

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